
Generic Light Simulations

Our inhouse developed package “LightSim” can help find detailed 3D distribution of radiation under the influence of generic geometric objects - modules, vegetation, at any geographical location with it’s own metereological file. We can help you answer detailed questions on PV Layouts, plant choices, and planting configurations.

APV-Synergistic Mounting Structures

Another flagship deliverable, our core members have deep expertise in design of complex mounting structures. Our APV-specific mounting structures incorporate agri-requirements like trellises, shade-nets. Not only dual-use of land, but of the structure too!

Agrivoltaic Project Feasibility Studies

Our expertise in the infrastructure needed for an apv farm combined with the detailed tools we have can help us execute feasibility studies that are project-specific or region-specific for broader policy-level thinking.

APV-Farm Operations

We have an agri-team that can be used for actual day to day running of a planned agrivoltaic farm via deployment of farm-managers, agronomists, instrumentation expert that can help give you maximum output from your apv farm.